Bnsf Santafe


BNSF people are from all areas of the country and have a variety of skills. BNSF is focused on keeping the railroad moving forward, meeting customers' needs and serving the communities where our employees live and work. LEARN MORE Our Railroad. Today's BNSF Railway is the product of nearly 400 different railroad lines that merged. Today's BNSF Railway is the product of nearly 400 different railroad lines that merged or were acquired over the course of 170 years.

Total Employees

Combined Payroll

BNSF Foundation Giving

Lines Operated
Route miles owned: 226
Route miles trackage rights: 200

Originated: 133,862
Handled within state: 385,641
Terminated: 187,457


Rail Yards
Bend, Klamath Falls, Portland

Automotive Facility

Intermodal Facilities


Freight rail is already the safest mode of ground transportation, and we’re always working to improve it.
Bnsf furlough agreement
We continue to invest across our network to make the transportation of crude oil and other hazardous materials even safer.
  • $3.1 billion planned investment in technology, infrastructure, and equipment in 2020
  • More than 6,800 first responders trained in 2019
  • More than 125,000 emergency responders trained since 1996
  • More than 180 of our own responders and specialized equipment prepared to deploy at more than 60 locations along our routes
  • BNSF invests an average of $140 million annually on grade-crossing maintenance, improvements, and safety programs
  • BNSF has completed installation of all mandated Positive Train Control (PTC) infrastructure on our network, with approximately $2 billion invested in PTC implementation through 2019
  • 21,000 employees trained to operate and maintain PTC trains and equipment
  • 5,000 locomotives equipped with PTC technology
  • 11,500+ route miles of PTC infrastructure installed
  • 6,000 PTC radio towers installed


BNSF is committed to the safe operation of every single mile of our 32,500-route-mile network. Our track inspections include on-site visual inspections, and we utilize state-of-the-art technology to help identify defects or problem areas undetectable by the human eye.

  • More than $1 billion devoted to rail bridge capital investments since 2006
  • Our bridge inspectors conducted more than 61,000 bridge inspections in 2016
  • 4,000+ trackside detectors deployed across the BNSF Railway network
  • 650+ inspectors visually inspect more than 10 million miles of track every year
  • 35 million daily readings from trackside detectors determine the urgency of equipment repairs and spot trends that indicate a more planned prescription for maintenance
  • Approximately 300,000 miles of tracks annually tested by autonomous geometry cars


BNSF is proud to be an industry leader in protecting the environment. Our fleet of locomotives is already the newest and cleanest-burning in the industry, and we continue to upgrade with new and more efficient engines.

  • A single BNSF intermodal train can move as much as 280 semi-trucks, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75%
  • From 2015 to 2019, BNSF has cut NOx and particulate matter emissions by more than 11% and 25%, respectively
  • In 2019, shipping with BNSF enabled our customers to reduce their total carbon emissions by 32.8 million metric tons
  • One BNSF train can move one ton of freight nearly 500 miles on a single gallon of diesel
  • In 2019, BNSF recycled 2.5 million railroad ties, 5.5 million gallons of lube oil, and 0.9 million pounds of batteries

Bnsf Santa Fe Sd40-2 Locomotive Images

Capital Commitments

In 2020, BNSF expects to invest approximately $3.1 billion in capital across its system. The largest component of the plan will be to replace and maintain BNSF’s core network and related assets to ensure BNSF continues to operate a safe and reliable network. In addition, the plan includes investing in expansion and efficiency projects and acquiring new freight cars, locomotives, and other equipment. In 2019, BNSF invested more than $25 million in Oregon for capital projects.


Operating in 28 States and 3 Canadian Provinces

BNSF Freight Cars: 70,000

Locomotives: 8,000

Route Miles: 32,500

Bnsf Santa Fe Springs Ca

Number of Employees: 40,000+

Military Veterans Employed: 7,500

Bnsf Santa Fe Railway

Welcome to the website of our GCA, which is provided in our continuing efforts to inform our membership on such things as schedule agreements, necessary BLET forms, and up-to-date information from our Organization.
It is our mission to ensure that your questions are answered and your claims / grievances are handled in an expeditious manner and to join our National Division and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in promoting and protecting the rights, interests, and safety of its members through solidarity, aggressive representation, and education.
We are providing you with a wealth of knowledge and access to information which can and does impact your daily lives and careers in the Rail Industry. Please use it wisely and share it with your brothers and sisters in the field. Good luck and work safe!