
BroadBand Light (BBL)® is the world’s most powerful IPL device on the market. It sets new standards in treating skin conditions associated with aging, active life styles, and sun damage. BBL is available as a stand-alone compact system, and as part of Sciton’s JOULE™ platform.

  1. Bbl
  2. Bblearn

BBL is the next generation of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy. The treatment uses short blasts of high-intensity light to produce younger-looking skin that’s firmer and more even in tone and texture. 2017-11-09 00:19:52 BBL Pieno Zvaigzdes-Barsy best moments 2017-10-26 21:19:24 BBL Pieno Zvaigzdes - Tallinna Kalev/TLU 2016-04-09 01:58:49 Triobet BBL Top 5: Finals, Second Leg.

BBL Overview

The innovative BBL® module extends the versatility of the JOULE platform with one-of-a-kind flash lamp technology, interchangeable Smart Filters, Finesse Adapters, and CoolComfort technology.


Its broad range of wavelengths allow targeted treatment for many skin conditions without the need for additional handpieces. Its flexible Finesse Adapters enable treatment of hard to reach areas.


With its user-friendly features, superior results, and exceptional ROI, BBL is the most complete and versatile broadband light system in its class.

BBL HERO®: The Swiss Army Knife of Aesthetic & Cosmetic Systems

BBL HERO® (High Energy Rapid Output™) is revolutionary technology added onto the BBL® handpiece, ensuring Forever results are quickly delivered anywhere on the body.


  • NEW: BBL HERO® innovations deliver 4x the speed, 3x the peak power, and 2x the cooling, creating greater capacity to treat more patients quicker and is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device on the market.
  • Quickly treats the face and large areas such as back, arms, and legs in 2-5 minutes
  • Optimal combination and versatility of treatments with all the capabilities of your favourite Sciton systems such as Forever Young, Forever Bare, Forever Body, and SkinTyte.
  • BBL HERO upgrades straight into your favourite Joule platform or comes as a complete standalone IPL system.

Clinical Applications

BBL and BBL HERO enable treatment of multiple skin conditions with various wavelengths seamlessly using change-on-the-fly Smart Filters.

  • 420 – Acne
  • 515 – Pigmented Lesions, such as freckles, age spots.
  • 560 – Vascular Lesions, such as cherry angiomas, telangiectasias, and rosacea.
  • 590 – Deeper Lesions / Darker Skin Types
  • 590, 640 + 695 – Hair Removal
  • Treatment expansion – SkinTyte™ is available as a module using infrared light energy to deeply heat dermal collagen leading to a renewed collagen foundation for skin firming.

Science + Technology

Longer Life Combined with No Consumables for Improved ROI


BBL's and BBL HERO's unique dual-lamp technology is designed with two lamps which share the work load in order to extend the lifetime of the BBL handpiece.

Now with CoolComfort™ Technology

BBL and BBL HERO employ an integrated thermoelectric monitoring assembly enabling their sapphire crystal and sensors to continually and precisely maintain temperatures from 0 °C – 30 °C with adjustability of every degree in between.

Treatment Speed

BBL allows for faster treatments than other IPL devices, thanks to its large spot size (15x45 mm), the highest repetition rate and the easily exchangeable snap-on Finesse Adapters™ and Smart Filters™.

Consistent Energy Delivery for Consistent Outcomes

Precisely engineered parabolic optics deliver energy uniformly eliminating hot or cold spots for consistent treatments and outcomes you can count on.

Intuitive Software for Easy Treatments

Our intuitive interface provides step-by-step parameters for popular treatments allowing you to quickly master the art of BBL and BBL HERO.