Paced Breathingdialectical Behavioral Training

The updated Hand in Hand: A Training Series for Nursing Homes is now available on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS’s) Integrated Surveyor Training Website (ISTW). Hand in Hand is available as a self-paced training as well as an instructor-led course and may be accessed using the links below. The self-paced training may take approximately 24 hours to complete.

  1. Paced Breathing Dialectical Behavioral Training Handouts
  2. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy For Children

Training Description
This training focuses on caring for residents with dementia and on preventing abuse. CMS, supported by a team of training developers and subject matter experts, created this training to address the need for nurse aides’ in-service training on these important topics.

Paced breathingdialectical behavioral training reliaslearningBreathing

The Hand in Hand: A Training Series for Nursing Homes was previously developed as an instructor-led training conducted by nursing home staff for nurse aides. The Hand in Hand training will now be available as a self-paced, online training and available to download for use as an instructor-led course.

  1. Scientists who study behavioral psychology aim to uncover patterns in our actions and behaviors. A counselor or therapist drawing from behavioral theory will plot a course of progress using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a short-term treatment with a goal of altering patterns of thinking or behavior to effect change.
  2. The IM+CANS Provider Portal is designed to serve staff of HFS enrolled provider agencies, those certified in the IM+CANS tool, and those who serve Medicaid or HFS funded enrollees. Certification requires successful completion of a one-day, in person IM+CANS training and certification exam.

Target Audience
Federal law requires that nurse aides complete in-service training on dementia management and resident abuse prevention. Additionally, facilities must provide dementia management and resident abuse prevention training to all facility staff, (direct and indirect care and auxiliary functions) contractors, and volunteers.

Paced breathing dialectical behavioral training examples

P: Paced Breathing In order to reduce the physical manifestation of the overwhelming emotions you feel (for e.g. Increased heart rate, flushed face, dry mouth, sweating etc.) it helps to try to control your breathing so that its rate will eventually decrease. Online, Self-Paced Inclusion Course – NOW AVAILABLE! Colours of Grey Matters in Australia is partnering with the leading inclusion training organization in the United States, Kids Included Together (KIT), to provide online professional development for teachers. Online training to meet new Special Needs Plan requirements for registration renewal.

Paced Breathing Dialectical Behavioral Training Handouts


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy For Children

For help with registration and all other technical issues, please contact the ISTW Helpdesk at